
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I forgot...

whatta nuisance taking these pictures can be!

I really am only posting these because...

1.  They have my beautiful boxer puppies in them
3.  If I don't I'm sure I'll fall into a blogging oblivion once again...

Yeah, it's almost 5 p.m. on January 3rd and this is what I am wearing.  Arizona might be an absolute shit show in many regards, but can you beat this weather?!

Sure, we are probably the most boycotted state of all time, and perhaps people are specifically refusing to hand out auto loans to anyone living in Arizona (I heard allll about this from a frustrated colleague today), but shiiiiiiit son... look at that sky!  It's gorgeous out!  I was just driving with the windows down with my puppies with the biggest shit eating grin on my face.  It's just weather that makes you happy inside and out!

I mean is anyone else enjoying filmy little open-backed dresses sans tights and a jacket today?!  I hope so! 

One little, two little, three little bean asses, well two bean asses and a mama ass.  But I mean really, how in God's name does someone forget how to take a damn picture effectively in only five months?  Holy rusty!

Dress: Reformed by the Reformation (Urban Outfitters)
Shoes: Dolce Vita
Sunglasses: Ray Bans
Bracelets: Mexico and Goodwill

As I look at this photo I know, unequivocally, that my ass had to have been just completely exposed to anyone on the other side of me.  Eeeesh.  This is one of the shortest dresses I own, so I guess I should have assumed that would be the case.  

Really, this post wasn't necessary, but I need to get some momentum here...

Monday, January 2, 2012

save the llama for your mama...

I excel at bad puns...

So you know when a dear old friend texts and you see it and go "awww!" and you mean to text back but then you get a phone call or somehow otherwise distracted.  Then you remember it later but you get distracted again because you have quinoa burning on the stove, and then like a week later you remember you never texted back and you want to text back right then but you're in pretty heavy traffic.  Then months pass and you just feel like a piece of shit and you want to text back but you feel so much time has passed it would be insulting to text back, and it slowly and painfully gnaws at you...

Anyone with me on that?

Well that is what blogging turned into for me... and you eventually just have to man up and text back, or man up and blog, rather.

I feel that since this is conceivably the last New Year's for which we will make resolutions, since the hysteria surrounding that 2012 bullshit may just lead to the downfall of mankind, I should actually make and carry out some myself.  That includes less fucking around.

You know when you are just so overwhelmed with things to do and you are spread so thin that instead of rolling up your sleeves and getting down to business you just shut down?  That's what I've been doing these last five months... just been operating on autopilot.  I haven't been giving anything in my life 100%, which is a shame.  My New Year's resolution is essential to stop fucking around.

That's pretty reasonable, right?  Anyone else got some pretty awesome and super vague resolutions?

Sweater: Madewell
Skirt: Urban Renewal (Urban Outfitters)
Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens
Sunglasses: Ray Bans (Prescription!  Thanks Bahb!)

Oh, I just realized that the title is even WITTIER than I originally thought!  I know what you're thinking, "WITTIER than replacing one word with another word that rhymes in a pretty popular saying?!  IMPOSSIBLE!"  Well, it is, it really is because... DRUMROLL PLEASE... my mama actually bought me this llama sweater at Madewell in Annapolis!  

Anyway, Happy New Year's everyone and seriously... how the hell have you guys been?!

Here's to less fucking around :o)
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