I need to find somewhere new to take these pictures! My yard is in such disarray! I try to do yard work, I swear, but I am just hopeless at it. I picked up leaves a few weeks ago, and I more or less picked them up one by one because I could not get the rake to work.
A rake is a simple thing... I know... but I still failed epically and I wish so bad that there was some sort of photographic documentation of my yard work misadventures.
Where do people usually take these pictures? Any advice?!
So I desperately want to go to Tombstone and Bisbee on Sunday, which may explain the cowboy booties, denim dress, and rustic, tooled leather bag I felt compelled to wear today.
I adore Tombstone's cheesy, gunslinger vibe, and it's a perfect for doing touristy things like taking pictures dressed as a saloon girl and watching staged gun fights, while Bisbee is a kitschy little artist colony in southern Arizona. You can wander the streets for hours just taking in all the murals and sculptures and even the old architecture is worth the trip down. The scores of well-stocked antique shops are just icing on the cake of awesomeness that is Bisbee.
Driving to work this morning I was like "want to go somewhere Sunday?" and my boyfriend was like "okay." So I think we probably won't go, because most people would've been, "where?" The immediacy of his affirmative response seems to indicate that that little stinker is hoping we will do what we do every Sunday morning. Just what is it we do every Sunday? Well, it involves some sort of food in bed (grilled cheese, eggs, soup), Family Guy on Hulu and sometimes we wrestle. We are both busy little engineers, so when we're together we do some pretty hardcore relaxing!
Here's the little fella's face. This is the type of shit my mom LOVES, and to be honest, that I love. It's quirky and random and fabulous and super rusty.
My mom and I have insanely similar tastes, and not just in over-sized, crudely fabricated farm animals, either. We will be across the store from each other, and we'll both go "hey look!" and we will both proceed to simultaneously lift up the same shirt/skirt/dress. It happens all the time.
Anyway, I digress, I always digress it seems and today is Thursday as my cube mate is always so quick to tell me, so enjoy your Thursdays!