So let me preface this with I'm not a shoe girl. I love shoes, I have lots of shoes (relatively) but I have never fully understood that saying "shoe porn." In fact, when I thought shoes, up until recently, I thought this:

Always. With everything. Swimsuits, shorts, pants, Betsey Johnson prom dresses.
But since I graduated and got some disposable time and income thanks to the whole gainful employment thing, I have begun exploring what else is out there. I broadened my horizons to include gladiator sandals, ballet flats, all types of boots and, ever so gently, higher type shoes.
Since I never cared about shoes before, I have been finding amazing shoes, like the Frye Rogan studded military boots, that are basically sold out on the internetmachine because they're so last year, but I still want them so freaking bad. well anyway, I did it again. I found a pair of completely old but unbelievable flats that are virtually sold out of big kid sizes (read: 8.5) anywhere you might look.

These amazing little slices of random are Poetic Licence's Electric Avenue. I didn't know shoes could make me feel this way inside. Upon further research I found that Poetic Licence makes a good deal of shoes that I found stirred emotions in me that I just didn't know existed.